An innovative platform that uses semantic web technologies for extracting SDG – Sustainable Development Goals related metadata from multiple sources (dataset, documents, web) to the most relevant SDGs, targets, indicators and series.
Companies today need to direct their communication in order for it to be aligned with the correct trends regarding sustainable development. Here it comes the solution with SDG Juicer that helps to retrieve and analyze data coming from different sources in a way that manages to immediately understand the company’s position when coming to sustainability via the official UN ontology.
Upload your documents or web pages
Let AI do its magic
Get your report, including Geographical entities, Concepts, and Goals (UN Validated)
Companies-generated and external data face complex challenges in being retrieved, integrated and accessible when supporting monitoring, self-evaluation, understanding, and decision-making towards different fields of application, starting today via the Sustainable Development Goals issue. Also, a growing number of calls for tender require an assessment of your company’s compliance with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. SDG Juicer is able to reply to these needs, being United Nation’s Ontology compliant.
Actually, 72% of medium-big size companies mention the SDGs in their annual corporate or sustainability report and the forecast is that US$12 trillion could be generated by SDGs in business savings and revenue by 2030.
Copyright Ⓒ 2022 Ovum Srl
SDG Juicer is an initiative of Ovum Srl
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